Patcom Software Solution

A software solution company that partners with you to turn your ideas into reality, gives you a solution to your problem and helps in the growth of your business through technology.

About Patcom Software

Patcom Software is dedicated to delivering high-quality software solutions. With a strong focus on mobile and web application development, we specialize in creating user-friendly and efficient applications using Flutter, JavaScript, and PHP.


  • Flutter: Expert in developing cross-platform mobile applications with a focus on performance and user experience.
  • JavaScript: Proficient in building dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • PHP: Skilled in server-side scripting to create robust back-end systems.


1. Kikuyu Bible – Tap to view

The Kikuyu Bible app is a digital version of the Bible translated into the Kikuyu language from English. This project aims to make the word of God accessible to Kikuyu-speaking communities.


  • Complete Bible in Kikuyu language
  • User-friendly interface
  • Search functionality for quick reference
  • Bookmark and note-taking features
  • Daily verse

Technologies Used:

  • Flutter for mobile app development
  • MySql and PHP for backend services

2. Cash Record Keeping App

This app is designed to assist businesses in recording all financial transactions. It helps in tracking expenses and incomes from different fields, calculating subtotals, preparing trial balances, and determining the financial position of the business.


  • Transaction recording for multiple fields
  • Automated subtotal calculations
  • Trial balance preparation
  • Financial position summary

Technologies Used:

  • Flutter for mobile app development
  • PHP for server-side processing
  • MySQL for database management

3. School Management App

The School Management app is developed to facilitate the management of school activities. It allows users to access and manage school-related tasks efficiently using their devices.


  • Student information management
  • Attendance tracking
  • Class schedules and timetables
  • Communication between teachers, students, and parents

Technologies Used:

  • Flutter for mobile app development
  • JavaScript for dynamic web features
  • PHP for server-side scripting